You’ve had your Oatmeal Month decorations out for weeks, packages full of oats are making their way cross-country for your loved ones, and you’ve been prepping your oatmeal costume since December. Turns out, our IN Food staff are big fans of the oaty grains year-round.
Our Vice President Lori prides herself as a savant in the world of this easy-to-make breakfast. She’s eaten it every morning for 10 years! To get the best out of your batch, “start with quality whole oats, add plain Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries or fresh fruit. Then, add a generous sprinkle of cinnamon, and drizzle everything with real maple syrup or honey. Stir it up into ‘oatmush.’ On special days, I add a little crunch with granola. It’s a bowlful, I know!”
Her preferred brands of oats include:
One Degree Organic Foods: Sprouted Rolled Oats (Available at Whole Foods)
Bob’s Red Mill: Steel Cut Oats (Available at Target)
Joining the ranks of “oat-heads” (it’ll catch on, don’t worry) in our office is Alyssa.
When she’s in the office, she uses packets and adds cinnamon and peanut butter, but when she’s at home, she gets really fancy. “Sometimes I use butter to sauté apples and real milk to cook the oatmeal.” Can’t go wrong with adding dairy products to the mix!
Give yourself an easy resolution this year and add some health to your morning routine. There are possibilities abound! In the most unexpected of food trends, oatmeal has entered the spotlight these past few years. We’ve been living in a world well aware of the benefits of Overnight Oats since the trend arose well, overnight. Quaker Oats has insider tips and tricks on mastering this endeavor here. Others insisted that savory bowls are the way to go and stir in toppings such as eggs, mushrooms, or spinach! Here’s a list of 5 recipes in this vein from Food Network.
What’s your go-to oatmeal trick? Send it our way! All month long we’ll be showcasing the best home cooking ideas from fellow “oat-heads.” (See, I told you it would catch on)