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Appetite for Change: Hungry to Make a Difference

Each year, when we receive applications for our Food for All Program, we’re humbled by the amazing work done to alleviate hunger in our community by so many incredible non-profits. But when we saw the mission of Appetite for Change (AFC) to build health, wealth and social change in North Minneapolis, we knew we wanted to get involved. Like us, they believe that access to nutritious foods is the key to anyone’s wellbeing which is why they were chosen as our 2021 Food for All partner.

After we met with their team, we were moved by how much heart and soul they put into strengthening their community. Getting access to healthy foods and development programs is tough in North Minneapolis because of the systemic barriers preventing positive progression. At IN we understand the importance of taking care of our communities, and to be a part of this change we got hands on – and we aren’t just talking about volunteering at one of their seven community gardens.

We identified that growing their recurring donor base was a key marketing need since dependable support would allow them to develop their program and keep up with their community’s needs. To start this campaign, the IN Food team created brand guidelines and a new logo for the AFC sub-brand “Change Maker” to establish consistency and cohesiveness across all communication touch points. The tactics we developed will be used across their social media sites, point-of-sale materials, emails, flyers, events, and website.

“The energy from your team, the stories we shared, and the okra and tomatoes we ate are what we mean by food bringing people together in a “new traditional way,” shared Princess Haley, Co-Founder and Senior Engagement Officer of AFC. “These kinds of experiences connect us at times when we need it most. Thank you for that.”

We feel so lucky to have worked with AFC and are thrilled to continue our mission to alleviate food insecurity with our 2022 Food for All partner, Metro Meals on Wheels. Stay tuned to hear more about our partnership and the work we do together in 2022.

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