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Fighters in Food Waste: Introducing the TC Food Justice “Rescue Squad”

You may have seen someone riding around the city in a fruit covered helmet, delivering food via bicycle. No, this isn’t a whimsical Richard Scarry-influenced hallucination, that’s just TC Food Justice. The staff and volunteers at TC Food Justice are fairy godmothers of food waste elimination, traveling around town picking up excess produce and giving to hunger-relief organizations. As our chosen 2020 Food for All partner, we worked with their team to develop refreshed brand and marketing strategies.

As we reviewed all the applications we received, we were immediately intrigued by their all-volunteer crew who travel by bike in rain or shine so that no food goes to waste. We were fascinated by this model and as part of our work we branded this team of loyal helpers the “Rescue Squad.” The IN Food team created a logo design with clean and crisp lines to communicate this unique aspect of these food heroes, along with the slogan, “Moving food forward, connecting community.” Our pro-bono work also included brand guidelines, content direction and suggestions to the tone and consistency of their social media. 

Kelzee Tibbits, the organization’s sustainability coordinator, spoke about the impact of the Food For All partnership. “The IN Food team brought us back to the beginning to take a serious look at the items we had created piecemeal over the years. I feel confident in the marketing foundation they have built for us and taught us how to use.”  You can add TC Food Justice to your list of the many reasons to love the generosity and care of Minnesotans. We asked Tibbits what three words she would use to describe the new look we’ve helped create: “Consistent, Unique and Customizable.” Sounds good to us! We’re now entering into our third year of Food for All, part of our larger 5% Give Back Campaign, in which up to $10,000 of our profits go to local hunger-relief organizations in the Twin Cities. Stay tuned for an announcement of our new partner for this year’s collaboration.

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