Maggie’s keen eye for detail led her to be interested in advertising at an early age: she’s always been intrigued by the way certain messaging attracts different audiences. Her innovative thinking skills ensure our clients are always in good hands. Plus, her unabashed obsession with food — like a true Midwesterner, Maggie loves a good hotdish — means she fits in pretty well here at our office full of foodies.

Maggie Alt-Lewis
Account Supervisor
If I were to describe myself as a kitchen tool, I’d say a cheese grater since I like to dig in on projects and get to the fine detail. Also, I just really love cheese.
Foodservice Factoid
Maggie’s formative foodservice experiences came in college when she worked in the concession stand at University of Minnesota Gophers sporting events. She also worked as a marketing associate (or “food dude”) for the University of Minnesota Dining Services.
Secret Sauce
Maggie manages a million details and is a superpower in forging relationships. She’s truly dedicated to excellence in client satisfaction.