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Sugar & Spice: Which Chai Concentrate is Nice?

The air is crisp, the apples are picked, and everyone is indulging in all the delicious flavors of fall. To get in the spirit, we decided to sample some spicy, cinnamon-y chai concentrates. Read on to find out which one you’ll want to get on your next grocery haul.

The Competition:

 Note: Each chai was made as directed on the packaging using unsweetened almond milk and poured over ice.

The Breakdown:


This masala chai is sweet and offers a nice, smooth flavor. It has a thinner body and from the pour, sweet smells of cinnamon fill the air and specs of spice swirl in the cup. The brand’s recent packaging update (pictured on the right) will do them favors, with a warm, modern appeal demonstrated with light, simple typography, a natural color palette, and textured illustrations.

  • Spiciness: 2/5
  • Sweetness: 4/5
  • Overall liking: 4/5


Some would say Tazo chai is a bit too nutmeggy when compared to the others. It’s sweet, spicy, and has an appetizing color when mixed with milk. On the front end, the taste is mellow and sugary. The after taste is tangy. When it comes to packaging, Tazo keeps it simple but lacks je n’ais se quoi, which likely got lost in keeping a cohesive brand for the larger tea company.

  • Spiciness: 3/5
  • Sweetness: 3/5
  • Overall liking: 3/5

Gray Duck

“Ooof,” said Sam.

This tea is STRONG. It packs a punch of flavor and is the spiciest of all the brands sampled. If you like your tea on the bitter side, this one would be for you. Gray Duck has the least amount of sugar. Due to the spice shock when compared to the others, this became the least favorite for many besides Lori, Ciara, and Emily. What we love most about Gray Duck chai is its packaging. In a sleek, glass bottle it stands out on the shelf (and is better for the environment!). The simplicity in package design reflects the use of minimal ingredients in the chai.

  • Spiciness: 5/5
  • Sweetness: 1/5
  • Overall liking: 2/5

Oregon Chai

This brand turned out to be our office’s favorite. It’s easy to drink, sweet (almost too sweet for some) and is smooth and creamy. As an added bonus, it’s cheaper than the other brands. The packaging is straightforward, but we’re not inclined to take it off the shelf.

  • Spiciness: 1/5
  • Sweetness: 5/5
  • Overall liking: 5/5

The winner:

When it comes to flavor, the majority of our team would choose Oregon Chai. As far as packaging goes, it’s a toss-up between Gray Duck and Rishi (thanks to their packaging update!).


IN Food Marketing & Design

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