We’re turning 25 next year! Before the big day comes around, here are 25 things we want to cross off our list as an agency. While some are pretty specific, a few could come to life in many different ways. Stay tuned for more details throughout the year!
- Host our first large-scale event
- Learn and grow as a company
- Create an inspiring creative space
- Roll out Traction: EOS to our whole company
- Host a food drive
- Volunteer 100 hours
- Complete a race for charity
- Expand our composting process
- Go for a trash walk (see: plogging)
- Explore our neighborhood
- Spend a summer day together
- Do something challenging
- Explore the outdoors more
- Bring-our-dog-to-work day
- Embrace Minnesotan winters
- Get crafty together
- Learn something new
- Get competitive
- Expand our taste palate
- Embrace our INternal talents
- Take time for ourselves
- 25 Days of Meditation
- 25 Days of Push-Ups
- Hydration challenge
- Host a 25th Anniversary Celebration!
Follow along on social as we conquer this list!