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25 Things to Do Before We Turn 25

We’re turning 25 next year! Before the big day comes around, here are 25 things we want to cross off our list as an agency. While some are pretty specific, a few could come to life in many different ways. Stay tuned for more details throughout the year!

  1. Host our first large-scale event
  2. Learn and grow as a company
  3. Create an inspiring creative space
  4. Roll out Traction: EOS to our whole company
  5. Host a food drive
  6. Volunteer 100 hours
  7. Complete a race for charity
  8. Expand our composting process
  9. Go for a trash walk (see: plogging)
  10. Explore our neighborhood
  11. Spend a summer day together
  12. Do something challenging
  13. Explore the outdoors more
  14. Bring-our-dog-to-work day
  15. Embrace Minnesotan winters
  16. Get crafty together
  17. Learn something new
  18. Get competitive
  19. Expand our taste palate
  20. Embrace our INternal talents
  21. Take time for ourselves
  22. 25 Days of Meditation
  23. 25 Days of Push-Ups
  24. Hydration challenge
  25. Host a 25th Anniversary Celebration!

Follow along on social as we conquer this list!

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