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3 reasons we’re INto the Krusteaz website

Happy Pancake Day! This comfort-food holiday had us pouring over a full-stack of pancake-related marketing goodness. In all our research, the Krusteaz foodservice website caught our attention. Here are three reasons we’re INto their website:

1. It’s responsive.

Being responsive allows the page layout to adapt to the size of a user’s screen. Here, the content stacks and the slider is removed for simplicity on mobile screens. Not only does it make for a positive viewing experience across all devices, responsiveness also contributes to SEO. Search engines will prioritize responsive sites over those that only have a desktop experience.

2. It’s easy to navigate.

With a simple navigation of just six primary sections and only four submenu items, there’s not much to this site—and that’s a good thing. Visitors can quickly find what they need and get there with just one click.

3. It’s simple.

We really like the flow and organization of the page layouts. The homepage consists of just three sections of content, and more than half of that space is devoted to photos of trending recipes.


Overall, the website structure and user experience for Krusteaz Professional is in a good place. As for design, we extended our research to the Krusteaz retail site to see how the brand style translates between retail and foodservice. Foodservice websites often don’t get the “design love” that their retail counterparts do. The modern look and feel of the Krusteaz retail site has a freshness that we’re missing in their foodservice site. We understand that foodservice and retail websites have different priorities, but we could see some of these modern retail elements utilized to take their foodservice site up a notch.

Hungry for more? Contact us to learn how we can work together.

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