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3 Ideas to Improve Your Email Marketing


Our Interactive/Graphic Designer, Alyssa, recently attended The Email Design Conference in Boston. She came back energized and bursting with cutting-edge email marketing strategies and ideas, so naturally we wanted to share a few of these with you! Below are three simple takeaways to improve your email marketing: 

1. Chain of Commitment

Think of an email as a chain of small commitments that you’re asking your audience to answer “yes” to. Three of these include who sent it, the subject line and the pre-header text and they’re made before your email is even opened. After opening, your audience must continue saying “yes” as they proceed to the calls to action. For example, consider the impact of great email content with a poor subject line– there’s a good chance the reader never gets to it. By focusing on each commitment separately, you can tailor your audience’s experience and optimize email performance.

2. Understand Your Audience

How can you help your audience say “yes” to your email? Present them with relevant content in an engaging way. While this may be easier said than done, taking the time to understand your audience will help you to connect with them. For example, asking for content preference will help your email stand out and keep your readers coming back for more.

3. Call to What?

Your audience needs to feel confident about their decision to click. Drive engagement with clear, specific calls to action. The standard “Click Here” doesn’t give your audience information about what you are asking them to do. Instead, try descriptive actions like “Read more on our blog” or “Share your story” to encourage action.

Do you have an email marketing tip to add? We’d love to hear from you!

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