The arguments against eating hot dogs are long and easy to find, but we thought there was more to this ballpark classic. Our graphic designer Betsy will stand up for her favorite food any day, so she set out to show the IN crew and our readers just how great they can be.
First and foremost, they are very convenient and easy to make. Most hot dogs are pre-cooked so you can just pop them in the microwave if you don’t have time to grill or boil water. Their easy prep is great for kids and non-cooks. They are also convenient for on-the-go meals, whether you’re throwing them in the cooler for a barbecue or packing a lunch for work.
For many of us, hot dogs taste like summer. As Betsy says, “What’s a barbecue without hot dogs?!” They are a crowd pleaser; great for kids and adults. It’s also easy to swap out meat hot dogs for vegan-friendly fake dogs. While you most often see hot dogs on a bun with ketchup and mustard, they are very versatile. Betsy showed us just how easy it is to make gourmet hot dogs with these great recipes.
Bacon – Ranch – Avocado Dog
This was the team’s favorite spin on a classic. We couldn’t decide what ingredient made it best, but we’d happily eat this again.
Mac ‘n Cheese Dog
Macaroni and cheese is great with hot dogs! We didn’t love the carb-on-carb of noodles on bread, so next time we’ll ditch the bun.
Caprese Ka-dogs
Betsy skewered buffalo mozzarella pearls, halved grape tomatoes, basil leaves and hot dog slices to make a great little toothpick kabob. Tip: try drizzling it with a little olive oil.
Taco dogs
Skip the bun and use a tortilla! Betsy topped this hot dog with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, jalapenos, sour cream and salsa.
Did Betsy’s recipes convince you to give hot dogs a second chance?