MN Food Bloggers – ordinary people experimenting, experiencing, engaging and sharing anything and everything to do with food. From seasoned writers to first time bloggers, this group is filled with people of all ages and professional backgrounds who have one very fantastic thing in common – a passion and love of food. Headed up by the dynamic Stephanie Meyer, this fairly new group (first gathering December 2010) now has a website! Here you can find info on upcoming MN Food Blogger events, general foodie events around town – and most valuable – the blog roll. This blog roll is magic. Check it out for yourself, and try not to be impressed. As mentioned in our previous posts about this group, it truly is fantastic. It’s a beautiful thing when people get together with a willingness and eagerness to share and give as much possible, and walk away realizing they have gained so much more.
We are honored to have been a part of this group from day one. Back in December of 2010 Stephanie Meyer, blogger, writer, photographer, cook – the list goes on and on, organized a gathering of local Minnesota folks that blog about food. It was held at the quaint 128 Cafe in St. Paul. From the moment we got there we knew this wasn’t your typical networking event. The food, people and conversations were all inviting and intriguing. We Minnesotans sure know how to appreciate food, and having a resource such as this group is invaluable.
Do yourself a favor and check out the website, Facebook and twitter pages of the MN Food Bloggers. If you are looking for recipe ideas, info on trends, where to eat – seriously – anything you need to know can be answered. And if you’re into food – don’t hesitate to start participating. Follow and use the hashtag: #MNFoodBloggers. It’s open to everyone!