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Brand Test Initiation: American Cheese – Oct. 11

We are well aware this is not the most glamorous or gourmet product. But it’s a staple, and we have all had it at one time or another in grilled cheese. Be honest – you have.

Brand Contenders:

  • Crystal Farms
  • Kraft
  • Kowalski

Best Taste: Kraft
Best Melt: Crystal Farms
And unfortunately the Kowalski brand fell short. Better luck next time.

Interesting observation: The first ingredient in the Kraft brand was milk, the first ingredient in the Crystal Farms and Kowalski brand was American Cheese.

Conclusion: We all know, and apparently love Kraft American Cheese. When we crave warm, gooey grilled cheese, we crave Kraft.

Up next: Frozen Pizza – Rising Crust

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